YourLoanServices com Announces A New Credit Monitoring Service Free Of Charge

Released on: January 31, 2008, 3:41 pm

Press Release Author: Jessica Peterson

Industry: Financial

Press Release Summary: has added a new service to the credit
repair section of the online portal and is now offering free credit monitoring for

Press Release Body: Denver, Colorado, February 1, 2008 - With credit problems
increasing throughout the American population, the need for credit services rises
each year considerably. has joined the leading party by
featuring a new free credit service for customers at their online financial site. is a renowned online company that has been offering financial
services to customers from all over the country for several years now. It is well
known for providing assistance for applicants with credit difficulties and economic
problems thanks to their database of lenders and financial institutions which is
probably the biggest one online and includes bad credit or sub-prime lenders too.

As part of the new development project that the site has designed for the next two
semesters, they will be adding new services to each section of the portal. The first
one will be this new credit monitoring service that will provide customers with the
possibility to keep a close supervision on their credit report to be notified
immediately when any change takes place. This service provides a great protection
against internet fraud and identity theft and is usually offered for a fee by credit
companies; is now providing the service free of charge to help
customers keep their credit in good shape.

Marco Byles, the company's public relation representative and chief officer of the
customer service department explained that the intention is to provide added value
to their portal by offering side products that though they are not loans or
financial services in sensu strictu, they are undoubtedly connected to them due to
their nature. "it is our belief that our customers will welcome the addition of a
service that though it may not be what they came looking for, it is an extra tool
for obtaining approval for the financial products they desire.", he said.

Marco Byles added that "Credit is so important for the approval of loans, credit
cards and other products or even when it comes to considering a job application that
keeping a close look on your credit report today is a must". As of today, this
popular online financial site is offering their customers the opportunity to
exercise that control for free.

Web Site:

Contact Details: 2006 Larimer St

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